lundi 30 novembre 2009

Et je savais

c'était étrange, c'est toujours étrange ce que je fais, c'est faux je sais, c'est ignoble et je savais, je suis en conflit, je ne peux pas me battre, j'ai tort et je sais, j'avais tort depuis longtemps et je savais. Me changer! un peu difficile, non, c'est très difficile, me libérer! je dois me libérer, je dois me sauver...
J'ai grandit, et je savais, qu'un jour "découvrir" va me blesser, non, cela va me tuer.
et c'est étrange de vivre l'expérience, c'est toujours étrange, et je le savais.
toujours c'est faux ce que je fais, et je savais...

jeudi 26 novembre 2009


T'aimer, comme un refrain
Comme le son des grands sapins
T’aimer, comme la rivière
La rime qui me rend plus fière
T’aimer, comme la balade
Vivant le temps dans les rades
T’aimer, comme la nature
Ciel bleu, clair et sans ratures
T’aimer, comme la silhouette d’un saint
Quand les roses meurent et le feu s’éteint
T’aimer, comme la couleur du jour
T’aimer, c'est t'aimer pour toujours

samedi 21 novembre 2009

amazing art

wow! how can she do this?, what amazing art!!

How can you mend a broken heart

I can think of younger days when living for my life
Was everything a man could want to do
I could never see tomorrow, but I was never told about the sorrow

And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again

I can still feel the breeze that rustles through the trees
And misty memories of days gone by
We could never see tomorrow, no one said a word about the sorrow

And how can you mend a broken heart?
How can you stop the rain from falling down?
How can you stop the sun from shining?
What makes the world go round?
How can you mend this broken man?
How can a loser ever win?
Please help me mend my broken heart and let me live again

samedi 14 novembre 2009

great Drama

Something strange is knocking my heart, what can it be, it’s the moon shadow, it looks very nice tonight, it’s nice for anyone, but not for evil,, it is full of energy, kindness, love, anything else, it’s the beauty… no one can understand, no one can believe in what I believe, but the moon shadow does, because it still the second part of me. It’s an ocean of emotions, it’s a great feeling, and it’s the single thing which can save me. It shines anyone’s road, and makes them happy, but me, I’m going crazy...
Nature, What's gonna bad????
Yusuf islam will answer me with his perfect song, with his special voice with his great emotions...

vendredi 6 novembre 2009

Maryem in Candy land

Yesterday, I saw a very nice dream, now I’m trying to remember some pictures; I don’t remember the entire dream, I have many confused pictures. To remember, I took my pen, and start to write some words, but, before I begin, let me tell you that I was approximately like this pen, and like a word I had found in failure Dictionary. This once, I knew that I must make a change, for a while, I look deep inside me, and I discovered many things I didn’t use to see before. I discovered that I was always present, maybe forgotten, but never die. Now, I remember that in my dream I turned to myself, to this little girl inside me and said: “just look behind you, just look in front of you, you can see this light, your rose dreams are surviving again, and hope is all around. Wow! The little girl answers, Am I in a candy land? I don’t want to wake up and loose my sweets; I must have a plane to keep my sweets…..
hhhh, that was my dream

mardi 3 novembre 2009

I hate my life

I hate that world, I hate all of the people, I hate myself, I hate my studies, I hate everything, I hate my life...