samedi 14 novembre 2009

great Drama

Something strange is knocking my heart, what can it be, it’s the moon shadow, it looks very nice tonight, it’s nice for anyone, but not for evil,, it is full of energy, kindness, love, anything else, it’s the beauty… no one can understand, no one can believe in what I believe, but the moon shadow does, because it still the second part of me. It’s an ocean of emotions, it’s a great feeling, and it’s the single thing which can save me. It shines anyone’s road, and makes them happy, but me, I’m going crazy...
Nature, What's gonna bad????
Yusuf islam will answer me with his perfect song, with his special voice with his great emotions...

1 commentaire:

Maryem Chhiti a dit…

Did it take long to find me? I asked the faithful light.
Did it take long to find me? And are you gonna stay the night?